Why “Vintage” Church

Naming a church is a ridiculous process as I supposed would be any organization or business with a public face. What do we want to say about ourselves? Who is it that we are speaking to? What are the current connotations and colloquialisms that we should be aware of?

To add to the fun there has been a backlash in Christian pop-culture (dear Lord help us there is Christian pop-culture) against flashy church names in an honest shot at churches that will do anything to get people through the door but present the Good News of Jesus. But as with most complaints in our society there are no accompanying suggestions and definitely no grace.

…“Vintage” Church was jammed into my heart almost immediately…

Fortunately “Vintage” Church was jammed into my heart almost immediately from what I believe has been a several year process in my own understanding of God, His people and well, life.

When spending time in my Bible over the past two years I have been repeatedly struck by and spending much time dwelling on God’s interaction with people. While we all see the historical unfolding of humanity through the pages of the Bible its records almost immediately slip into the obscurity of a ‘story’. In all fairness that’s exactly what it is, its people’s stories. But the interchangeability in our minds of story (as in “War & Peace”) and let me tell you my story (the actual events of my life) is confusing. This last expression of ‘story’ has been very uncommon in our generations until social media recently began to add ‘Story’ pages to help users to share their experiences.So the Bible, a book of history, captures the story of people. Sometimes in grand narratives of a nation, a genealogy that the reader skips over (be honest) right down to the most personal and intimate details of an individuals experience.

God at times would work through an obedient prophet to deliver extremely clear directions to an often wayward people but for the most part revealed who He was through his interaction with people. All of these people’s interaction with God, massive mistakes, long years of wrestling with God all help us to understand who He is. The prophets along with everyone in the Old and New Testaments had interactions with God that also clearly point to His character, heart and desire, love, grace, wrath, goodness – all of it.

The great news for us is that He never changes and that He hasn’t changed how he does things even though now the Bible is complete. God continues to show who He is generation after generation from neighbour to neighbour, co-worker to co-worker and family member to, well I think you get the point.

There is no substitute for Him and a life with Him. With this new outlook the things that we were chasing after begin to look not so awesome anymore.

As an individual runs smack dab right into God (we often don’t see Him coming) life change occurs. It can take time and it is often messy but Jesus seriously ruins the world for you. There is no substitute for Him and a life with Him. With this new outlook the things that we were chasing after begin to look not so awesome anymore. This change does not go unnoticed; some will like it and other will hate it. It’s been like this forever. People either worshiped Jesus or tried to kill him – not a lot of middle ground back then and it hasn’t changed since.

These are our stories. Our lives change as with everyones and we share our lives with one another. Stories. We love them.

A new name, a new church in for what is our new home; West Kelowna. After over a decade of visiting Kelowna during the summers with my wife and kids it is hard to miss the rolling hills along the lakeshore which are populated by acres of vineyards. This is wine country, and not in a little way.

There is something romantic about vineyards, the process and the passion that brings it all together. It is extremely complex and yet a product of time, patience, knowledge and a whole lot of hard work. As with most of agriculture there is are ebbs and flows of work and stillness followed by a frenzy at harvest and then of course the reward.

Every year this in this region time capsules are formed all throughout. They capture that single year’s record of geography, geology, weather, people, labour, knowledge, passion and even the market and political climate. These unique capsules are regarded as a vintage. There will never be a duplicate only similarities and they tell the story of this place and its people.

As Vintage Church we year after year share our experiences both great and small, happy or sad – together, as through them the very nature and goodness of Christ is revealed. We are working to capture our first vintage, come and add to us your story.

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Ryan Rainville

1 thought on “Why “Vintage” Church”

  1. Connie Sinkler-Thomas

    I love your Mission statement and pray it will draw many many souls to you that are searching and those who long for a place where their “story” can be heard. Praying for you and Vintage Church.

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